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Don’t Have Time to Write Content?

by Bethany Good | Nov 4, 2021

How Hiring a Copywriter can Help you Grow your Business

Are you tired of spending time you don’t have on creating written content for your business?


We have the answer- hire a professional copywriter. 


Copywriting is one of the most effective and powerful marketing tools for small businesses. Having a copywriter on your marketing team is just as important as your website or graphic designer. For some reason, however, writing is often thrown into the process at the last minute, an afterthought hastily completed after the rest of the project is finished. But when integrated properly into any project, having well-written content can help grow your business and increase sales just as much, if not more, than snazzy design assets and super clean code.


Copywriters are professionals who have a mastery of the written word, as well as marketing strategy, social media, editing, storytelling, and more. 


Copywriters are experts in brand voice, a crucial part of any business’s marketing strategy. Whether you know it or not, your company has a brand voice. It is the personality and emotion infused into your company’s communications. It encompasses everything from the words and language you use, to the personality and images your marketing assets aim to invoke. 

An old blue typewriter on a wooden desk
Good Writing Co thinks typewriters are vintagey and cool, but we use laptops and digital tools, we promise

A great copywriter will be able to ‘learn’ your personality ( or brand voice) and write impactful posts for you. They understand your customer’s needs and can help you build trust with your audience.


Besides their writing skills and dashing good looks, your copywriter will also bring a valuable fresh pair of eyes to your projects, spotting new ways of selling to your audience.


How else can a copywriter help you?


  • Blogging for SEO– Updated content that keeps your website fresh, and ranking on google. 
  • Website copywriting – Optimized website content for your small business. This helps to drive more traffic to your website.
  • Linked-In bios and Profile pages- this helps you put your best foot forward in the business world and beyond.
  • Social media presence– Every business needs a social media presence. What do your social posts say about your business? Are they helping you reach the right audience?


Just don’t expect to pay peanuts for them. Well-researched and well-written take time, research, and effort. It takes a knowledge of marketing strategy, SEO, and your company’s brand voice. 


If a major pipe breaks in your house, you don’t try to fix it yourself. You hire a plumber. Let a professional copywriter help you reach your audience, and grow your business today.


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